# Classical D-Flip-Flop test An example of the classical D-Flip-Flop. This is shown in `Figure 43 - DFF` of the ["Sequential block (no internal paths)"](https://docs.verilogtorouting.org/en/latest/tutorials/arch/timing_modeling/#sequential-block-no-internal-paths) section in the [Primitive Block Timing Modeling Tutorial](https://docs.verilogtorouting.org/en/latest/tutorials/arch/timing_modeling/#) of the [Verilog to Routing documentation](https://docs.verilogtorouting.org) and reproduced below; > ![Figure 43 from Verilog to Routing Documentation](dff.svg) > *Fig. 43 DFF* ## Clock associations inference - [ ] automatic inference is signal is associated with any clock and include the info in the model - [ ] automatic clock detection (signals named `clk` are considered as clocks) ## Blackbox detection - [ ] model of the leaf `pb_type` is generated - [ ] leaf `pb_type` XML is generated ## Timings - [ ] all the timings defined for wires with attributes should be included in `pb_type` XML